Monday, October 31, 2011

The Respectable Undead

In honor of my favorite holiday: Halloween (I actually have three favorite holidays: Christmas, Halloween and the 24th of July...Some might argue I don't understand the meaning of the word "favorite", but I might argue that I probably understand it better than anyone that might argue that.), I am posting the following song.

I've always been a fan of the holiday with religious roots that allows us to be whatever we want for at least one day—or a whole weekend if we are lucky. On the other hand, I've never been a fan of anything macabre (why we still have words in our vocabulary that can be pronounced three different ways, is beyond me), but when I came across this song today, I had to share it. Sure, she talks about eating her boyfriend's brain and maybe she mentions that all of their friends will want to kill them, but it has a catchy beat and I thought it was kind of fun. Enjoy...and Happy Halloween to all of matter what your current mortality status is.

1 comment:

  1. I love having lots of favorites as well and I use the word quite loosely, so it's good to know I have someone else to back me up if an argument ever ensues.
    You always seem to find just the right song for every occasion...loved it.
