Monday, May 23, 2011

Rising From the Ashes and/or a Watery Cell

I was listening to this song on the way to work today and it basically changed my life. I've been a fan for sometime. In fact, Jackson's moving anthem has been a theme song for a number of important life events: road trips, long races, lonely nights and unbearably difficult days. It is during these trying times that Will You Be There gives you the strength you need. And just when you think you can't go on, Michael sneak attacks you with a key change and inspires you to press onward. Later on when you have reached your breaking point yet again: another key change. At this point you are pretty much overwhelmed because no one has ever dared to slip in two key changes in the same song (too much of a good thing? I don't think so), but nothing is too daring for the King of Pop. As he winds down tantalizing you with what you think is his last experimental move, he rises from the ashes yet again with a third key change. You thought it couldn't be done. You doubted his ability. Luckily, you were proven wrong.

As you listen to it, I would ask you just one question: Will YOU be there?

Don't make fun of me. This song is amazing and let's not forget how inspired all of us were when Willy flew for the first time. That moment when he rose from his watery cell and his body drips rained down on the young Jesse below rallied a nation and inspired generations old and young. Let us not forget his inspiring legacy.

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