The other day I went and saw The Adjustment Bureau with my roommate and some of our friendgirls. Justin showed me the preview a couple of minutes before we left to see it, so I really wasn't sure about the movie. To make matters worse, I lost my temper on the way over and was a sourpuss the rest of the night...that is, until this song came on during the most action-packed scene of the movie and made me feel worlds better.
I love Adam Freeland's remix of Sarah Vaughan's classic Fever. I didn't realize it was a remix until I looked it up online after the movie. About halfway through listening to it, I was struck by the way she sings one of the lines. It reminded me of another song. It hit me that another version of Fever is in Dan in Real Life (which, also stars Emily Blunt). I hope you enjoy it. I think it is a great song to listen to and to exercise to.
Just goes to show you, that the perfect soundtrack really can make the movie!