Yes, I do realize that it is after 2 a.m. but I had to document this one...
For someone who has as much music as I and for someone that loves it as much as I, I find it rare that the perfect song comes on at the perfect time. I call it a soundtrack moment--one in which a group of people have spent several weeks/planning sessions/failures selecting just the right music for a specific part in their movie. As I was driving home after a somewhat difficult day, Charlie Chaplin's "Smile" came on my radio.
It's a little ironic, but Justin was saying how I seem happier than I have felt in a long time. I told him it was probably just a facade for how I am really feeling...I have been fretting about a lot of things lately and I've been a little down in the dumps, but I find myself happy despite everything. Because of that tenacious happiness, I share Charlie Chaplin's original "Smile" from his film Modern Times. Enjoy.
Here's a modern take on "Smile" provided by the cast of Glee whom we've grown to love (especially Quinn!)...
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