I have three things to say:
1. I have never heard a lullaby more beautiful than this—Jewel's Angel Standing By. She sings of angels and she is an angel singing. This version is from her new album, so appropriately named, Lullaby.
2. I first heard this song on the movie Return to Me. It plays when David Duchovny walks into his house after the fatal car wreck that took his wife from him. His tuxedo is stained with blood, bandages cover his own wounds and the sleeve of his shirt has been torn off. His dog comes over to him and he breaks the news to him that "She's not coming back." He slumps to the floor and cries like a child...My sister introduced it back into my life on the way back from our family reunion earlier this month.
3. Jewel, I want to marry you. I've been in a weird-like funk lately and I think you're helping me pull out of it. I present the evidence:
I drove past a group of "protestors" on Center and University yesterday with picket signs offering "FREE HUGS." I almost stopped.
I also went on a walk yesterday and just walked and walked without direction just so I could think and feel lonely.
Last Friday I went to the library and checked out no less than eight library books.
and, coming into work today I pulled youtube up and listened to this song and almost had to close my office door. It just hit the spot.