Hooray for embedding videos! I just might be getting the hang of this blogging thing. It originally started as an experiment in professional development (as public relations people, we are encouraged to stay abreast of all social networking avenues), but enough expounding, let's get to the music.
My buddy Tanner is my exact opposite according to Myers-Briggs personality typology and we never realized we could be friends until we crossed a somewhat unexpected bridge to friendship called music. One day we sat and discussed bands. He shared one. I shared one, and the rest is history—a sweet percussive, lyrical and melodic history.
This is one of the groups he exposed me to. The example song he chose was not quite what I like, but this one I discovered later and it is exactly what musical dreams are made of. The band is B. Reith and the song is Just for You and it is just for you.